Sep 13, 2010

On bananas and diapers

This weekend - yesterday afternoon, more accurately - our son discovered bananas.
Now, he didn't just discover that They Exist, notice that They Are Funny Shaped, or take A Small Bite... no, Bubba proceeded to eat 2.75 bananas in under 15 minutes.

Flash forward to 2:30 this morning. I am just finally feeling the effects of the narcotic-grade pain reliever my sweet Man-Mate brought me to ease my back/neck pain... when I hear a loud "pop-POP!!" sound erupt from my sweet son's diaper. Eyebrows up, I struggled to hold back a scream of "SNIPERS!" when... "Mama? I poop."

Did I comfort The Squish and offer to change his shorts? Nope. I poked The Husband until he woke up. At that time, Bruiser managed to get up onto his knees and repeatedly reiterate what that lovely "pop-POP!!" sound meant, while raising his arms into the air for someone, anyone, to pick him up.

A few minutes later, freshly diapered, he snuggled back against me and passed out once again.

Flash forward to 3:34 this morning. I am just finally getting to the good part of my dream with Ryan Reynolds, when I hear an even louder "pop-POP!!" followed by a series of rapid-fire pops. That's when it dawns on Man-Mate and I both; "The bananas," we say, with a mutual sigh. "Poop," chimes in the toddler.

Thankfully, His Gassy-ness was able to sleep the rest of the early morning away, even though he did manage to have one final "pop-POP!!" before heading off to daycare.

Even when they start doing what you want them to do (i.e. eat fruit...), you still get feedback.

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